Ordnance Survey Promotional Codes
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Maps are more important than most of us might realise. Not only are they used to track down particular points of interest, calculate distances and understand new roads, but also they prove essential for businesses nowadays. In fact, it is crucial for small companies to be found in their local radius, making printed and digital maps a crucial consideration for business owners. And this is where Ordnance Survey comes in handy. More than just any ordinary website, Ordnance Survey is a UK-based government agency that acts as Great Britain's national mapping agency and has been in operation since 1791. And as the largest producer of maps in the world, it's not surprising that it has expanded into the online market. Buy historical maps to use as artwork, Landcover maps to guide walkers around every nook and cranny of the British Isles or turn maps into apps with the Ordnance Survey cyber solution for tablets, PCs and phones. Follow the directions to sign up to the newsletter, where all the latest news, competitions, and advice can be found. Alternatively, web users can follow Ordnance Survey on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Resources, such as tools, updates and case studies, are also featured on the website. read more

Maps are more important than most of us might realise. Not only are they used to track down particular points of interest, calculate distances and understand new roads, but also they prove essential for businesses nowadays. In fact, it is crucial for small companies to be found in their local radius, making printed and digital maps a crucial consideration for business owners. And this is where Ordnance Survey comes in handy. More than just any ordinary website, Ordnance Survey is a UK-based government agency that acts as Great Britain's national mapping agency and has been in operation since 1791. And as the largest producer of maps in the world, it's not surprising that it has expanded into the online market. Buy historical maps to use as artwork, Landcover maps to guide walkers around every nook and cranny of the British Isles or turn maps into apps with the Ordnance Survey cyber solution for tablets, PCs and phones. Follow the directions to sign up to the newsletter, where all the latest news, competitions, and advice can be found. Alternatively, web users can follow Ordnance Survey on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Resources, such as tools, updates and case studies, are also featured on the website.

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How to use Ordnance Survey Promotional Codes

  1. Visit Ordnance Survey to Discover all you Need for Your Next Adventure

    Whether you are camping, hiking, or exploring the countryside, you'll be able to find the products for your next trip at Ordnance Survey. They sell maps of all kinds, including digital maps, Landranger maps, Explorer maps and historical maps. Ordnance Survey also has a wide selection of clothing, accessories, books, atlases, and GPS devices.

  2. Shop for Maps and Other Outdoor Products

    After finding an Ordnance Survey product you would like to purchase, click on its name (which will be orange and underlined) for a detailed description of the item. Click “Buy Now” to add the item to your basket.

  3. Verify the Items in Your Basket

    Once you’ve finished shopping, click the word “Basket” at the top right corner of your screen. This will take you to your shopping basket where you can view the details of the items you will be buying as well as the price of each item.

  4. Use a Promotional Code

    Choose an Ordnance Survey code from Promotionalcodes.org.uk and copy it. While viewing your shopping basket at Ordnance Survey, paste the code into the box with the words “Discount Code.” This box is found just above the subtotal of your purchase. Click “Use” to apply the code.

  5. Complete Your Purchase

    After reviewing the details of your purchase and applying your promotional code, click “Checkout” to proceed with your purchase. You can then create a new account with Ordnance Survey or login to enter your personal information, address, and pay for your products. Once you’ve completed all these steps, your shipment will be on its way.

Ordnance Survey Customer Reviews

Great source for hiking supplies

I’ve been buying maps from Ordance Survey’s online shop for ages and recently updated my hiking supplies from them as well. Overall I’m really pleased with the quality and prices. I’m not going for leisurely walks so I need to know that their products are going to stand up to extreme conditions and keep me safe in the wilderness. Their hydration packs, torches and walking poles are top notch and I’ve also upgraded to the digital mapping systems which are fantastic. Always fast shipping and no complaints on their service.

Here's a map to some great surveys

It seems every time my husband goes looking for a specific map in a shop they’re sure not to have it. He’d been moaning about wanting a few regional maps for a while, so I decided to surprise him. I got online here and found exactly what he wanted, ordered it and had them within a few days – quickly enough that my husband was able to use them to go exploring and rambling at the weekend. Nice site. Quick service.